Signet is excited to announce the recent launch of our new Product Development team as part of our offering to our clients. While our New Product Development offering has been in place for the past couple of months, we now have an official head of the team in Jasper Lyon – who is going to be driving the service forward.

What does the New Product Development team do?

The team is designed to aid in the brainstorming and finding of new products, processes and techniques to help improve our existing products and services. This is as well as the development of new ones. Jasper is proudly carrying on the Lyon name and helping us to build on what we offer our clients.

Our New Product Development team, led by Jasper, will be included as part of the Signet process, as an offering to all clients. This in-house team will bring increased insight and innovation to the bespoke labels and embellishments that we produce, helping us to also provide newer processes and clarity on existing products to get the best overall result. This ability to assess our current bespoke processes and products, while exploring new opportunities, offers Signet more flexibility and knowledge to support customers and production teams.

In order to identify some of these areas for development, Jasper will be working closely with our sales teams, as well as our internal quality teams, helping to gather feedback directly from clients on a weekly basis – and using this as a foundation for new ideas. This constant stream of feedback ensures that changes of all sizes are being made on a frequent basis, pushing our offering forward.

As part of his work, Jasper will also be looking at our production chain as a business, and how we can ensure that this is as strong as possible. By ensuring that our production chain is strong, and features multiple back-up options, Signet is able to reduce the risk to the customer and always stay in production – providing an increasingly reliable service to all who work with us. Good production partners mean great quality, which is what we strive to offer all of our clients.

How we can help

Our New Product Development team is excited to begin working alongside the rest of the wider Signet team for our clients, championing the company values and supporting our commitment to innovation and growth. At its core, this service is about solving customers’ problems and using these pain points to create solutions which help progress us as a business – helping us to help you.


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