Designers are aware of the importance of packaging. They know that packaging affects the responses of consumers and how they experience the product.


Consumer research has revealed that consumers’ satisfaction with a product is affected by how the packaging looks. In sip tests for example, when respondents sip drinks from similar-looking glasses, the majority would choose a product based predominantly on the taste they prefer. However, when the real packaging of the drinks is shown from the start, the majority often choose the product that has more attractive or premium packaging.

Experts explain that consumer preference changes because the packaging has primed them on what they will experience. Ice cream that exudes a more sophisticated and luxurious feel is rated more delicious. This is because people associate sophistication and elegance with the more luxurious ice cream brands. So even if you placed the same ice cream in other containers as well, people would likely choose the one which looks more premium. This is the power of association. You can use associations for your brand as well with the following types of embellishments.


Gold, silver and other metallics are associated with grandeur and opulence. They work well when you are working with vintage or other period designs and can also be used effectively in contemporary designs.

Packaging liquors or other beverages in a bottle with an ornate aluminium label can influence consumers to think that it tastes better because it comes in a luxurious bottle. Another example is metal labels with antique finishing. Consumers may think that the contents taste better because the packaging looks like it has aged well, implying the product has as well.


One of the reasons why certain packaging design elements, such as our seals, work so well is that people associate wax seals with authority and confidentiality. Since wax seals were used to keep the contents of a letter confidential, opening packaging secured with seals make consumers feel that they are opening a secret or something made exclusively for them.

Since seals were used by the nobility to prove the authenticity of a document, consumers associate products with seals or signets as having a stamp of trustworthiness or quality.


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