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We’d love to find out more about your product or brand and we’d be delighted to arrange a consultation to discuss your product embellishment needs – simply fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.

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Since 1994, we’ve been supplying deluxe product enhancement services to some of the world’s most prestigious brands and one thing we’ve learned in that time is that there’s always something new to learn!

There are no ‘silly questions’ here at Signet – in fact, some of our best work has come about as the result of a half-baked idea or a query about something a client hadn’t even regarded as a realistic possibility.  We pride ourselves on our ability to think outside the box, developing beautifully unique and intuitive solutions to help our clients achieve their aesthetic and commercial objectives.

With more than 20 years’ experience in this business, there’s a very good chance we already know the answers to whatever questions you may have – but if we don’t, then we’re committed to the levels of research and innovation that make anything possible with Signet.

Whatever your idea, your doubts, your questions – we’re ready to discover the way forward together.  Give us a call today!

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Head Office

Innovation House, Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU


Anchorpoint House, Clashburn Close, Kinross, KY13 8GD