When considering your drink packaging, it’s important to think about the best way to protect the product. Protecting your product is crucial. It ensures that the product is not only totally protected, but also makes it very obvious if the product has been opened or generally tampered with. This is beneficial to both drinks brands and everyday consumers, as it provides a higher level of customer satisfaction due to the product remaining untouched. However, with several options like bottle sealing wax, tamper evident seals and heat shrink wraps, there’s an awful lot of choices. Here we’re going to break them down for you.

Bottle Sealing Wax

A firm favourite in the drinks packaging industry is the classic bottle sealing wax, used on a variety of spirits – from Whisky to Gin. This is down to the aesthetic it lends to products, one of luxury and sophistication. Used throughout history as a successful way to preserve goods and maintain freshness, bottle sealing wax seals offer a tamper-proof deterrent, as it is impossible to open the bottle without making it clear that the product has been opened. It also exhibits traditional craftsmanship, associated with the production of luxury alcohol brands.

Tamper Evident Seals

Another popular choice in the drinks packaging industry is the tamper evident seal. While it doesn’t display the same level of luxury as bottle sealing wax, the tamper-evident seal still offers a sophisticated aesthetic element to your packaging, as well as displaying any attempts of tampering with the product. Tamper evident seals can be used in conjunction with neck decoration charms and neck wraps, truly uniting security, product quality and innovative design.

Heat Shrink Wrap

Heat shrink wraps are commonly used as part of drink packaging, as it is simple while still achieving the desired effect. Heat shrink wraps are made up of plastic shrink wraps which, when heat is applied, create a tight seal. This appeals to consumers, as it shows that the product is not vulnerable to damage from dust, dirt or moisture, as well as being totally sealed. However, there can be downsides to heat shrink wrap, as it can be damaged through transport if not stored properly. It also has less of an aesthetic benefit to the design of the bottle.

Security and Your Product Packaging with Signet

Looking for a way your product can incorporate security measures like bottle sealing wax and tamper-evident seals, without compromising your packaging design? At Signet, we work with a variety of clients to create embellishments and decorations that enhance your product packaging – and keep your product secure from tampering.


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