When appealing to customers, the design of your spirit packaging can often make all the difference. Quality spirits require quality packaging to present the excellence of a superior brand. When it comes to spirit packaging, looks matter. Customers see quality spirits as a reward; not just in supermarkets or shops, but in bars and restaurants too. But what is more effective in sealing the deal – decorative box packaging, or an ornate spirit bottle?
Does a bottle go full throttle?
The bottle has been a staple in spirit economy. Bottle design is a simple and effective way to actively represent your brand and the quality of your product. Different bottle shapes and sizes, wax seals, engraving, and direct-screen printing for applied ceramic labelling are just the beginning of your bottle design options. With plenty of ways to customise your bottle, you’ll be hard-pushed to struggle to find a way to make your bottle stand out from the crowd.
Or are you backing boxes?
Alternatively, something that is used by various brands, big and small, is a box to encase your spirit bottle. Boxes can vary in style, from the simplistic but effective decorated black, red and gold cardboard box of Bacardi Gran Reserva 8 Anos, to the elegant luxury blue and gold box of Johnnie Walker Blue Label, with a satin lined interior and magnetic seal. Boxes can also be customised in various ways – particularly the materials used. Boxes can create both an easy packaging solution, in terms of being eco-friendly and protecting a product, as well as displaying your item with prestige and distinction.
Which one is more effective? While boxes can provide a sense of premium standards, once the customer has purchased the product they usually become worthless, and end up being thrown away. Beautifully adorned spirit bottles, however, have a reputation for being recycled into various upcycled projects, and are much more likely to be collected than spirit box packaging. While not as popular as bottles in terms of recycling, luxury spirit packaging boxes are used for various creative projects – and do still hold value in the world of branded packaging.
We’d love to find out more about your product or brand and we’d be delighted to arrange a consultation to discuss your product embellishment needs – simply fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.
Alternatively, give us a call on 01733 396080