The very first thing about a product that any customer will notice is the packaging. Whether it’s the chosen colours or even the brand logo, the packaging of a product is what imparts the first impression of a brand to the customer before they even pick up the product. In fact, the packaging can actually be a deciding factor for many consumers when it comes to what they ultimately choose, with up to one-third of purchasing choices being determined by packaging. With so much importance being placed on packaging, surely it should be at the forefront of planning, with brands taking into account every small detail?

Unfortunately not it seems. Many distilleries will spend hours, weeks and years on their product, perfecting the taste, the colour, the consistency. They also take into consideration early on the bottle that the product will live in. These, of course, are incredibly important, as a product should be perfection before it hits the shelves. However, from the label on the bottle to embellishments, this is what consumers use to define the quality and overall impression of your brand. This makes packaging an equally important part of product development.

Putting some thought into it

A common misconception about packaging is that it is less important than other aspects of product development. This leads to decisions being left until the end of production, which in turn can leave the owners and creators of many brands and distilleries with longer lead times than anticipated for packaging and embellishments – as it is the last element to complete.

By this time, the deadline for the product to be shipped out and released into the market is rapidly approaching – and many brands find themselves having to compromise on the packaging due to rushed decision making. This can negatively impact how your product, and brand, is received by customers.

At Signet, we believe that as a representation of your brand, your packaging is as important as other aspects of the product development. That’s why we encourage creators and owners of brands to truly consider the impact of packaging, and the importance of giving packaging just as much developing time as the product itself. By introducing packaging into the early stages of the production period, you can not only put real thought into your packaging and how your brand is represented, but also ensure that you don’t have to compromise on the quality overall.

Embellishments from Signet

Are you looking to save time on your production process? At Signet, we work with a large selection of clients to create embellishments and decorations that enhance your product and can work with you or your design agency throughout your production process to alleviate long lead times and delays in getting your product to market.


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