Back in December 2020, Food Safety News had some alarming news to report. An insider crime ring had secretly developed a fraudulent whiskey line to produce and distribute vast quantities of famous brand counterfeits on the black market.

Nearly 300,000 whiskey bottles were seized by the authorities. Had the Spanish police La Guardia Civil and fraud busting Tax Agency not successfully smashed the fraudsters’ setup through their undercover investigation Operation Fuco, the scammers could have done an estimated $4.8m (4m euros) of damage to the brand. Not a feat to be toasted to.

In June they reported on drinks tampering in Germany. In this case it was soft drinks, and lethal doses of toxic solvents were inserted by criminals. Thankfully, the victims only consumed small amounts and were able to make full recoveries. However, it is an ethical necessity to protect both retailers and consumers from the potential risks of spoiling bottles and the ingestion of dangerous substances. And of course, no one wants to buy a bottle that has already had a sample swigged by another unscrupulous visitor who has sneaked by first.

Clients come to Signet’s Marque technology for that security assurance, to help protect themselves and others from an increasingly devious and sophisticated underworld. And it just so happens this kind of safe and practical comes with eye-catching good looks too.

Breaky by name but not by nature, Gerard Hoffnung’s classic chardonnay Breaky Bottom makes sure it’s secures the cork too with a gold coloured over strip that bears their signature trademark.

Sairen decided to take theirs a step further with Marque™ neck wrap combined with a paper over . The stopper is held in place with the iconically badged label topping the bottle in their classic blue. Firmly securing this is a silver metallic neck warp also inscribed with their slogan and proudly made in England. And Hinch, with their Chateuau de Ligne following suit in rich burgundy and emblazoned with the regal gold emblem. Naturally secure. Difficult to miss. And irresistible to avoid.

Teeling’s bird crest took wings with our Marque™ neck wrap with a curved end tab finishing on the stopper. No one twisting the top off would be able to do so without breaking the bird, thus alerting the finder. We were also flattered to be commissioned for their neck wrap and charm combination. Marque once again stole the show, capturing the neck tie from the charm in aluminium banding, all shouting out the Teeling name with the logo and core message.

Why not have Signet make your Marque?


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