We’ve all been there; in a dark, loud bar or club – looking around behind the bar to figure out what we’d like to drink, only to realise that it’s just too dark to make out the labels on the bottles. As a result, most people will simply go for the brand that is most likely to be behind the bar, which is bad news for some more unique brands. It can be difficult to not only make your brand stand out, but to make it stand out in a dark room. After all, how can people purchase your products if they can’t see them?

The Solution: UV

The solution is a simple one – ultraviolet labels, designed to stand out and attract attention. It is understandable of course that brands can be hesitant when it comes to changing the appearance of their packaging. The main concern is that in order to implement a UV design, the original packaging design may have to be removed or changed. There is also the worry that it will be difficult to customise a UV label, making the packaging less unique to the brand. Another concern is that, while a UV label is a great idea for bars and club, where the lighting is low – how practical are UV labels on supermarket shelves?

However, these concerns are nothing to worry about. UV products can be produced in a number of ways, allowing you to keep your design while also being able to achieve the effects of UV. The UV products that we produce can feature different materials, such as flexible aluminium labels, or even resin doming – which provides you with clear labels/ writing. These products also act as an addition to your existing product packaging.

You can also create a UV label similar to your existing design, and sell a select number of bottles with UV additions to bars and clubs – while products that will sit on supermarket shelves have a non-UV label with the same design. This makes the product designed for bars and clubs even more exclusive, which can boost consumer demand for your product.

How effective is it really?

It can be easy to doubt the effectiveness of UV labels. After all, how much attention will a UV label actually generate? Ultimately, it comes down to product differentiation, and how much your product is appealing to customers. By using UV labels, you can ultimately make your product visible to customers while they are waiting to order, boosting consumer interest at the point of sale. Not only does your brand stand out in the dark, it differs from every other brand that sits on a shelf behind the bar.


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