From jewellery to chocolate, there are luxury brands for everything – which usually means that luxury packaging is a logical addition. From embellishments like elaborately tied ribbons to gold embossing, there’s no end to presenting value through the packaging of your luxury product. However, with consumers becoming more environmentally aware, and more inclined to search for sustainable products – both in terms of the actual product and the packaging – is luxury packaging sustainable? And if it’s not, will luxury packaging suffer as consumer habits begin to change?

Can luxury packaging be sustainable?

Before we can decide whether luxury packaging is sustainable or not, first we must identify what makes packaging luxurious. Luxury packaging, aside from looking appealing and enticing, is often considered to be an experience, a journey of the senses. From visual design to the feeling of the packaging, luxury packaging can go as far as even incorporating a smell. So much of shopping – especially where luxury is considered – is to do with gratification. That’s why having packaging that offers delayed gratification, in the form of customer discovery, is what makes luxury packaging so… well, luxurious! Delayed gratification can be anything that delays the reveal of the final product, through the use of components such as decorative tissue paper, pull tabs, ribbons, and welded or shaped metallised plastic/glass. However, it is these elements of packaging that are often considered unsustainable; often thought of as non-recyclable and non-reusable.

Do luxury brands care about being more sustainable?

There is a common misconception that many prestige brands are more concerned about how their product and packaging appears than whether or not it’s sustainable. This is often down to the fact that customer’s expectations for luxury brands are different to everyday brands, as the packaging is seen as just as important as the product itself. However, this mentality of image over sustainability isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ deal, with plenty of examples of several high profile brands who have chosen to endorse and implement sustainable packaging. This includes Estee Lauder, who went green and set goals for achieving zero waste, Gucci’s eco-friendly bag, Giorgio Armani’s sustainable make-up box, and Louis Vuitton’s ecological packaging.

Sustainable Luxury Packaging from Signet

Want to make your packaging fit the theme of luxury while remaining sustainable? Our new product development team are always looking to test and pilot new ideas. At Signet, we pride ourselves on the work we do with our clientele to create packaging embellishments that enhance your product packaging, and make your brand stand out.


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