There’s no way to avoid it- unless you’re hiding under a rock. Gin is one of, if not the most popular spirit in the UK right now. In case you’re not familiar with the increase in the popularity of Gin over the past couple of years, have a look at our blogs: The Gin Boom – Part 1, 2 and 3.
In fact, a record number of 51 million bottles of Gin, worth almost £1.4 billion, were bought in the UK in 2017. As a result of the skyrocket in demand for Gin, the Gin market has also increased. After all, with so much increased demand, the need for increased supply is self-explanatory. Whether you’re looking for flavoured Gin, artisan crafted Gin or an entirely unique batch, you’re sure to find it, both in-store and online.
However, while the vast choice of Gin may have originally been an opportunity for all to get involved in the Gin Boom, it now seems that the market is so full of a variety of Gin brands, products and experiences, there is almost too much choice. This leads to the market becoming so saturated that many brands are ignored in consumer searches for Gin products, even if a newcomer to the market has exactly what the consumer is looking for. This can be a blow to many major players, as the Gin boom led to consumers moving away from established brands on supermarket shelves and towards small batch Gin distilleries and artisan craft Gin makers.
Of course, that isn’t to say that there’s no room for smaller brands or newcomers to the Gin market. As Gin is a popular option, it’s down to smaller brands and newcomers to adapt and change the image of Gin that consumers are so used to seeing – which is part of what impacted the market and started the Gin boom to begin with. Establishing new trends is an important part of any market growth, which is something that Gin makers and brands need to consider as part of their product development. While the competition is tough, ultimately, it’s down to the product, brand identity and packaging to cinch the attention of potential consumers.
Looking to make your Gin product stand out from rest? Why not include luxury decorations as part of your product’s packaging? At Signet, we work with a range of clientele to create embellishments and services that enhance product packaging – and help your brand differentiate from every other product on the shelf.
We’d love to find out more about your product or brand and we’d be delighted to arrange a consultation to discuss your product embellishment needs – simply fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.
Alternatively, give us a call on 01733 396080