Here at Signet our passion for detail is equal only to our appetite for innovation.
To support the next generation of innovative thinkers and outstanding designers we recently teamed up with Loughborough University as part of their annual Loughborough Design Week, challenging students with the choice of two project briefs that would challenge their thought processes and design skills-
In creating these briefs and supporting the education of the next generation of designers, we wanted to give students insight into what it is like to work at an industry leading design business such as Signet and prepare them for the real-life challenges faced by an array of global brands in the market today.
We also hoped that inspiring the next generation to push the boundaries of thinking when it comes to these two key design challenges would align them with the expectations of working alongside eco-conscious, innovative brands that are at the forefront of customer engagement in today’s drinks market.
With an array of inspiring and inventive designs submitted that challenged traditional packaging solutions, we were extremely impressed with the standard of design and innovation presented by the students at Loughborough University on both briefs.
“Getting involved with the design school has been a fantastic way to connect with education and those starting their careers in this incredible world of design. Being able to engage with future designers by setting briefs that answer real challenges is a true inspiration.” Jake Wise, Signet Designer
We are proud to highlight and celebrate the amazing efforts from our three finalists along with comments from the team here at Signet:
Stephanie really understood this brief and has shown a variety of different innovative ideas within the final design. The final concept is exceptional, innovative and Stephanie answers the brief well by creating a box solution that addresses sustainability as well as creating a memorable opening experience for the consumer.
The final concept is very pioneering and creates a unique solution to the problem of how to engage the consumer and create a memorable experience. Our team all loved how Megan pushed the boundaries of design to create a potential product that would inevitably stand out in the market, a key consideration for our customers.
Geoffrey worked on the NFC brief and grasped the concept well by creating an opening and digital experience that would encourage the consumer to actively engage with the brand. The overall pack design is also extremely unique, and we believe would allow Geoffrey’s design to stand out to consumers against the backdrop of the competitive vodka market.
Our winners enjoyed a Gin Academy Experience and an escape to the country for the afternoon at the Burleighs Gin Distillery, located in the heart of Leicestershire ’s beautiful Charnwood Forest. A wonderful understanding of the history and processes behind producing world class craft distilled gin, as well as distilling their own creation to take home, this experience is a unique insight into the effort and diligence that goes into making an industry leading product.
“As a business we have always had the firm belief that investing in the education of our future generations is a vital part of tackling the challenges faced by the global marketplace and we are extremely proud of this unique partnership with Loughborough University.
We were all tremendously impressed with the ideas and results delivered by the students and have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the inventive solutions they have produced through the process.
Innovation and sustainability have always been two of the main pillars that we value highly as a business and collaborating with talented students at one the world’s top design courses have given our business a fantastic opportunity to challenge our own thinking, whilst simultaneously supporting the education of the next generation of great designers.” Roy Lyon, Signet Marketing Director
With a combination of innovative design techniques and fresh thinking, we are proud to have been a part of the educational journey for the students at Loughborough University and look forward to continuing to work closely with the University to continue to invest in the next generation of design talent coming out of the UK.
To see how our design experts can support your brand with creating innovative, sustainable, and memorable packaging solutions, reach out to our design experts for an initial discussion
We’d love to find out more about your product or brand and we’d be delighted to arrange a consultation to discuss your product embellishment needs – simply fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.
Alternatively, give us a call on 01733 396080