28 August 2018: How Pantone Matching can help your branding

One of the most important aspects of packaging design is colour – from the colour of the label to the colour of the product embellishments. While it’s common practice for brands to match the packaging of their product with their brand colours, it’s incredibly noticeable when the colours don’t quite match. This can often make the product appea...

18 August 2018: How Can You Differentiate Your Brand in a Saturated Market?

Most brands know how difficult it can be to differentiate themselves from every other product that they share a supermarket shelf with. The importance of making your product stand out is crucial, as every visit to the supermarket is packed with rows and rows of products. Packaging is a crucial part of this – it’s what showcases the brand and prod...

10 August 2018: How UV helps your bottles stand out in a club or a bar

We’ve all been there; in a dark, loud bar or club – looking around behind the bar to figure out what we’d like to drink, only to realise that it’s just too dark to make out the labels on the bottles. As a result, most people will simply go for the brand that is most likely to be behind the bar, which is bad news for some more unique brands. I...

23 July 2018: Personalise your branding with a faux wax seal

Consumers are able to recognise brands through their packaging. This is a result of instantly recognisable personalised elements, whether it’s a signature blue box from Tiffany or the red, white and black cans of Coca-Cola. However, personalising your branding can be a difficult concept to accomplish, and with consumers being exposed to so many bra...

14 July 2018: How to Make a Security Seal Look Beautiful

Applying a security seal, also known as a tamper-evident seal, to a spirit bottle can be an important part of the drinks packaging process. Not only does it ensure that the product is packaged securely, it also makes any tampering with the products evident immediately – reassuring to both everyday consumers and drinks professionals.

The use ...